Of the gungeon's synergies, there are some that have meager effects, while others are an incredible help. Banana is a gun that fires an explosive banana that sends out three more bouncing explosive bananas. Battery Powered - If the player has Shock Rifle, it automatically regenerates ammo over time. It has a chance to poison enemies, and it leaves poisonous goop on the floor whenever it hits an enemy or wall. Casey is a melee weapon that increases curse by 2. Items can be found by opening chests, defeating bosses, purchasing them from shops, or receiving them from NPCs. If the player collects all four pieces of the Gunknight set, they will transform into Cormorant, the Aimless Knight. Apiary - If the player has Box, Bee Hive turns into an apiary and automatically regenerates ammo over time. docs. Akey Breaky (AKEY-47 + Shelleton Key) 3. Jolly Roger - If the player also has Skull Spitter, VertebraeK-47 can freeze. Deadly Distraction - If the player also has Decoy, the Decoy creates a large poison pool when attacked. (The item pool is a manually created list of bad items, not simply items from the tier. Increases curse by 1. Serious Cannon is a gun that fires large, bouncing cannonballs that pierce through enemies. Fightknives - If the player has Knife Shield, activating Knife Shield while holding Fightsabre makes the knives reflect enemy bullets before getting destroyed. The last shot of every magazine is pink, and deals extra damage. Enter the Gungeon is a game that has been created and developed by Dodge Roll and published by Devolver Digital. Stinger is a gun that fires rockets which explode into bees. . Iron Slug - If the player also has Stout Bullets, Scope, Heavy Boots, Heavy Bullets, or Fat Bullets, Big. Upon splitting, the large bullet creates a visual blast effect that is similar to a blank but doesn't. The player can pay Synergrace to purchase a synergy chest. Automatically uses one of the player's blanks if they are about to take damage, preventing it. Gunbow is a gun that fires fast-moving bullets that bounce seven times. King Bomber (Lil’ Bomber +. Winchester Rifle is a gun. Iron Stance - If the. ; Guns and Deviltry - If the player also has Grey Mauser, damage is increased by 25% and it fires a knife when reloaded. Reflected bullets deal 10 damage each. Why's Bullet Crying? - If the player also has Cold 45, attacking a frozen enemy. Plunger is a gun that fires a stream of poison. W. 3, the Dice Shrine's Unsteady effect decreased reload time. Raiden Coil is a gun that fires a continuous laser that homes in on and damages all on-screen enemies. 3. When reloading, pressing the fire or reload buttons when the indicator passes a certain mark on the reload bar will instantly reload the weapon. Has a similar look. Blessing and a Curse - If the player has Cursed Bullets, every jammed enemy killed grants a persistent, additive 0. This removes. The Treadnaught can. The shield is destroyed after taking too much damage or upon leaving the room. Keep The Change - If the player has Blank Companion's Ring, it will occasionally trigger a blank upon shooting the last bullet in a magazine of the M16. Pitch Perfect - If the. Ser Manuel is an NPC that appears in the Halls of Knowledge. Insight - If the player also has Trick Gun, a creature that resembles the Interdimensional Horror appears at entrances to secret rooms, revealing their. BEES - If the player has Honeycomb or Bumbullets, while Bee Hive is held, projectile size is doubled, damage is increased by 25%, and rate of fire is decreased by 34%. Finger on the Pulse - With Pulse Cannon, upon taking damage, three miniature Pulse Cannons briefly appear around the player and fire at enemies. Turtle Solutions. The six evolutions, in order, are: amoeba, sponge, flatworm, snail, frog, and dragon. This can negate contact damage, which regular blanks do not normally prevent. Their damage is increased by 20% and spread is increased by 60%, decreasing accuracy. Master Round is a passive item. Garbage Collecting - If the player has Unity, hitting an enemy with Trashcannon causes it and its bullets to briefly freeze. Cast Iron - If the player has Bundle of Wands, Witch Pistol, or Hexagun, each of Big Iron's bullets are replaced with one from Bundle of Wands, Witch Pistol, and Hexagun. Each shot can hit the same enemy multiple times. Grouch - Junk increases the damage of the Trashcannon by 25%. Glacier is a gun that fires bouncing ice cubes which leave trails of water, explode, and freeze enemies. The Paradox starts with a random starting sidearm from the other gungeoneers (excluding the Slinger), as well as another random gun and a random passive item. ; Super Space Turtle DX - If the player also has Yellow Chamber, Super Space Turtle becomes. There are currently 271 items in. Trashcannon is a gun that fires a trash bag, which explodes into 6 poison projectiles flying 60° apart from each other that create pools of poison. Before it is unlocked, it has a 5% chance to replace an item in the shop or a 100% chance if the Biggest Wallet achievement has been unlocked, and costs 9999 . Halves reload times when held. Enter the Gungeon is a gunfight dungeon crawler following a band. Instead, the Guon Stones will be destroyed, losing. The Massive Effect - synergy is a reference to the video. Prior to the Supply Drop Update, the Dice Shrine's Limited effect decreased maximum ammo by 50% instead of 30%. Kevin and the Gravity Gun. If there is a "mods. I. 0025 (0. By using it in a room with a Gun Fairy, it's possible to capture it. Snowballer is a gun which fires snowballs that have a chance to freeze enemies. Yeah an Ammonomicon Entry for synergies should be. Enemies must be fully inside the area to be ignited. Jolter is a gun that fires large, rectangular bullets with high knockback. Demon Head is a gun that fires a continuous beam that slightly curves towards enemies and has a chance to burn enemies. After killing an enemy, a special icon appears above the player, and pressing the reload button performs a special attack that deals damage to every enemy in the room. Hellhole - If the. In. Paperwork - If the player also has Origuni, the first round of each magazine fires three airplanes instead of one. 5% per point in coolness, to a maximum reduction of 10%. AC-15 is a gun that becomes more powerful if the player has armor. Continuously deals damage to nearby enemies at a rate of 5 damage per second. Blanks have a chance to ignite enemies. Blunderbrace - If the player also has Macho Brace, Blunderbuss shoots bigger and faster bullets and charge time is reduced. VertebraeK-47 is a gun that fires homing, piercing bullets. Strafe Gun (stylized as STRAFE® Gun) is a gun that fires nails that travel nearly instantaneously. Killing enough enemies with the gun causes it to level up, increasing its damage. Great Queen Ant - If the player also has Gungeon Ant, it becomes an ant queen and shoots rocket ants. Betrayer's Lies - If the player has Betrayer's Shield, it gains infinite ammo, a much larger magazine size, increased accuracy, and extremely high fire rate. Shrines are statues that the player can interact with to sacrifice something and receive can be indicated before entering due to the presence of a green lantern by the door. Akey Breaky (AKEY-47 + Shelleton Key) 3. Replaced with the To Serve Android synergy. RAIDEN - If the player also has Space Friend, maximum ammo is increased by 25%, and 2 homing bullets shoot out periodically from the sides of the weapon. Upon use, activates a blank. Also knocks back enemies and slightly slows bullets in the air upon firing. Particulator is a gun that fires a large bullet, which then splits into 10 smaller bullets that seek out enemies. Blade Runner - If the player also has Deck4rd, magazine size of both guns is increased by 50%. Dawn of the Gundead - If the player also has Gunslinger's Ashes, Shellegun, Skull Spitter, Fossilized Gun or VertebraeK-47, the chance to refund ammo for those guns is doubled. Obtainable. It will keep track of which items you have, give you information about them, and tell you which synergies exist between. Great Queen Ant (Gungeon Ant + Others) 4. Chief Master - If the player also has any two Master Rounds, Alien Sidearm gains an increased maximum ammo of 500 and a larger magazine of 30. While the gun is equipped, fall damage is prevented and the player is unaffected by goop on the ground and by the Phaser Spider's web. This page is for listing cut and/or unused stuff in Enter the Gungeon. Exit the Gungeon is a small, arcade-style, spin-off 'dungeon. 5. Klobbering Time - If the player also has Klobbe, the Klobbe is doubled and fires two shots at a time. Additionally, using Charm Horn fires a banana at each. Just Like The Real Thing - If the player has Sixth Chamber, Yellow Chamber, Holey Grail, or Bullet Idol, Shotgrub's bullets will. Unused: Riot Gear - With an unknown item. The white camouflage itself is a reference to the real life Accuracy International Arctic Warfare sniper rifle. Beloved by many, despite its flaws. The icon of the item resembles the appearance of ammunition in Heavy Bullets. Once More Into The Breach. txt" file in the Mods folder, delete it. Enter the Gungeon is a gunfight dungeon crawler following a band of misfits seeking to shoot, loot, dodge roll, and table-flip their way to personal absolution by reaching the. Bee Plus - If the player has Honeycomb, taking damage causes Honeycomb to spawn hornets, which travel faster and deal more damage than regular bees. Super Serum - If the player also has Hazmat Suit or the Gas Mask, the Plunger's ammo capacity is increased. Turtles can block bullets and deal contact damage to enemies. Help by expanding it. If the player has both Pandemic pistol and the Machine Pistol with the Pistol machine synergy, bullets. Super Space Turtle. The damage dealt is equal to the amount of damage Life Orb dealt to the last. Enter the Gungeon is a gunfight dungeon crawler following a band of misfits seeking to shoot, loot, dodge roll, and table-flip their way to personal absolution by reaching the legendary Gungeon’s ultimate treasure: the gun that can kill the past. Tears of Blood - If the player has Bloody Eye, Tear Jerker's shots turn red and inflict slow. Gungeon Tools is a useful app that helps you find synergies and track your curse and coolness levels in Dodge Roll Games' Enter the Gungeon. Regular Shotgun is a gun. Tea For Two - If the player has the Teapot, a small red aura will appear. It also appears in powerup form in Exit. Bubble Trouble - If the player has Siren, Siren will fire a single large shot that deals 18 damage, and Bubble Blaster's shots home in on enemies. The following is a list of combos in Exit the Gungeon. Increases Coolness by 3. If used again before Knife Shield is recharged, the knives are launched forward. The Meatbun will also heal five hearts rather than just one. The. Grants a heart container. ; Heavy Metal - If the player also has Anvillain, its shot speed is decreased by 25% and its damage is increased by 20%. Get Equipped With -B- - If the player has Megahand, enables Bubble Lead mode on Megahand, which fires Bubble Blaster shots while uncharged. Jotun Time - If the player also has Heart of Ice, reloading the Frost Giant rapidly chills and freezes nearby enemies, and thrown guns deal 180% more damage. Cormorant - Acquiring all four Gunknight items transforms the player into Cormorant. Launches a dense metal slug at incredible speeds. It can be acquired in 2 ways: Stealing it from the shop Causing the shopkeeper to close his shop by either: Firing a gun in the shop a few times Failing to steal an item. google. Adds a heart container. Big Shotgun Gun - If the player also has BSG, the Big Shotgun fires five projectiles instead of three. The Hunter starts with this gun. Like other guns, this will not fire if the. 0025 (0. It will not disappear if others hold it. 3. Increases Coolness by 1 per use, decreasing the cooldown of active items and increasing the chance of items dropping upon clearing a room. Guns are the player's primary method of attacking enemies, and can be found by opening chests, defeating bosses, purchasing them from shops, or receiving them from NPCs. Hammer and Nail - If the player also has H4mmer, maximum ammo is increased by 50% for both guns. Gives the Robot either one Junk, the Bottle, or a piece of armor. Bottle is an active item. is a gun that fires planets. Since the Advanced Gungeons and Draguns update, that means knowing what synergies to look for and what they do. Picking up a new gun does not reset the bonus, effectively transferring the bonus to the new gun. Diazepam - Muscle Relaxant increases this gun's damage by 50%. These bullets have infinite range. FreddyTheMonkey Jul 20, 2018 @ 11:07am. The Mirror Shield synergy is a reference to the item of the same name from the Legend of Zelda series. The amoeba fires round projectiles. some even larger number - If the player also has Quad Laser, enemies killed will shoot out a quad laser. Effects []. Reload Roll - If the player also has Easy Reload Bullets, dodge rolling reloads six bullets and dodge rolling range is slightly increased while holding the weapon. Increases Curse by 1 while held. Mahoguny is a gun that fires explosive pinecones along with three leaves. Hellhole - If the player has Yellow Chamber, Sixth Chamber, or Holey Grail, Singularity spawns a hell portal that sucks enemies in and deals high damage. In this tutorial/beginning level, Ser Manuel informs you about the basic controls and features of the game. Increases damage by 10% per point of curse the player has. It offers no passive or active ability, but its use is explained below. Dungeon Eagle is a gun. Betrayer’s Lies (Betrayer’s Shield + Lies) 2. 3. zip into the Mods folder. The Stinger can be created by. They will usually not give out a gun of lower or higher quality than the guns it was fed, but if neither of the two offerings was an tier gun, there is a 5% chance to. Mmmmmmmmm MMMMmm! - If the. Alas, Sniperion - If the player also has Crown of Guns, Crown of Guns. Synergies []. Grants a heart container. Turtle Solutions - If the player has Super Space Turtle, each room clear will add another Super Space Turtle to a maximum of 4. If Coin Crown triggers, it will spawn a 5 shell on top of the player. The Over Dose - synergy likely references Doseone, the musician for both Enter The Gungeon and Heavy Bullets. Synergies []. Each shot bounces once. Thunderclap is a gun that fires small balls of lightning. Triple Gun is a gun that has three different forms based on how much ammo is left in the gun: A revolver, a machine gun, and a beam weapon. Dragunice - If the player has the Heart of Ice, the Dragunfire will shoot blue fire that has a chance to burn and/or freeze an enemy. In Exit the Gungeon Wolf can pick up. All guns come in 5 "types": Automatic, which automatically fire bullets when holding down the shoot button and generally have large. Killing enemies causes leaves to orbit the player, blocking enemy shots. 挺进地牢 是一款由 Dodge Roll 创造开发, Devolver Digital 发行的游戏。. Reload to transform. Prototype Railgun. P is already an A-tier gun which can pierce through several enemies and deals 40 damage. Spawns a black hole that sucks enemies, bullets, and items into it. Related Topics . Polaris is a gun with three levels. A light blue arrow. Only one such shield can exist at any time. Grants a piece of armor upon pickup. Makarov is a gun. A powerful machine gun that once belonged to a forgotten hero. If the Guon Stone blocks a bullet, it deals 15 damage to all nearby enemies. Coolness increases the base chance of receiving a chest or reward. Careful Iteration - If the player has Casey, Casey becomes spiked and fires a spread of 6 nails each time it is swung. Get Equipped with -F- - If the.